How To Use Selenium With Java?

There’s only one tool that pops into your mind when you think of automating the testing process of web-based applications. It’s Selenium. Selenium is one of the well-known DevOps tools currently in use because of its help and variety of capabilities. However, selecting the right tool isn’t enough you must choose the correct software language that will be utilized by your tool. And this is where Java can come in handy. The Selenium Training will guide you through all you have to be aware of when using Selenium using Java.

What Exactly is Selenium?

Selenium is an open-source framework utilized to automate the process of testing web-based applications. Its interface allows the writing of tests in a variety of programming languages for web applications distributed across various browsers and platforms.

One of the most important aspects of Selenium is the fact that it is not just a single tool it is a set of tools. The Selenium as a whole is comprised of four tools each with particular capabilities.

Selenium supports several browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, etc. Additionally, a number of programming languages can be utilized to make Selenium test scripts, including Ruby, Python, Java, C#, etc.


Of all the languages that can be used to create programs using Selenium, Java emerges to be the most widely utilized programming language.

What is the reason why Java Preferred with Selenium?

Selenium and Java prove to be the perfect combination for running automated tests across different web browsers. Java proves to be the preferred language of the professionals who utilize Selenium throughout their daily lives.

A few of the reasons Java is preferred over Selenium are as follows:

  • Java has a vast group that includes active developers of software who actively contribute to the writing of tests. This helps not only the Java community grow, but also assists in supporting the Selenium testers.
  • The programming execution is much faster in Java than another programming language.
  • Presently, Java is more widely utilized than other languages, which means integrating Selenium tests into Java is relatively simple.

Let’s take a look at the steps required for a start using Selenium using Java.

Utilizing Selenium using Java

This section will explain the steps necessary to create and run a test with Selenium using Java bindings.

Many components are necessary for testing automation.

  • Java Installation

The essential requirement to write and run Java applications is the Java Development Kit (JDK) that includes JRE as well as the Java Runtime Environment.

For downloading and installing Java the only thing you need to do is

  • Download Java
  • Install Java
  • Create the path for the environment.

After this has been completed and you are ready to test you are in the right place. Open the command prompt and type in Java -version. If Java is installed successfully, it will display what version of Java runs on your system.

  • Eclipse Installation

Every time there is a requirement for a platform that allows programmers can create and execute their programs and one such platform that is an IDE that is Eclipse. Eclipse is one of the most popular Java IDE around the globe.

In order to download and install Eclipse, All you have to do is

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  • Visit their official site for more information and Download Eclipse.
  • After downloading, you can extract from the files you downloaded.
  • The eclipse.exe icon will be displayed within the Eclipse folder.

All you have to do to start Eclipse is open the .exe file.

  • Selenium Client and WebDriver Bindings for Language

There are many languages that Selenium WebDriver supports, and each one of these languages has its own client driver. Since we’re interested in Java We require the Selenium Java Client Driver’.

Important Factors to Consider

There are a variety of crucial aspects to be considered when writing Selenium tests using Java. A few of them include:

  • The right Selenium locators will make the program more secure and faster to execute.
  • A data-driven framework should be employed to run Selenium tests. Selenium tests.
  • A time limit for halting should be set for the test script. This can help prevent the script from failing.
  • The test cases utilized must be affirmed in Selenium using assertions made by various frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG.
  • The developer needs to create reports and screenshots to prove the testing failures. The screenshots prove worth the effort when testers need to explain problems to developers.


You should know why Java is one of the popular programming languages and with Selenium. In this article, we have learned the fundamentals about Selenium and how Selenium can be integrated alongside Java. We also learned how to integrate Selenium with Java by demonstrating it hands-only. Towards finalization, we learned the steps to execute our very first Selenium test script within Eclipse.

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